Life Is Like Picking Blackberries


August 25, 2014 by bravenewsquirrel64

imageLife is like picking blackberries. You have to weave through thorns to get the berries. Not all the berries are good. Some are bitter, but when you get a sweet juicy one it’s all worth it. Sometimes a berry is sweet and juicy but there’s a tiny spider on it and you don’t realize it until it’s too late. That sucks because the spider can lay eggs in your stomach. Sometimes if you eat too many berries you get the squirts. If you have picked enough berries you can make a cobbler but if you burn the cobbler it will make you sad, but if the cobbler comes out just right, and you have ice cream to go with it then it’s pretty awesome. Legend has it there was a lady who made a three crusted cobbler: a bottom, middle, and top crust. This lady was my grandmother Opal Paquin. The three crusted cobbler was scientifically impossible and yet she made them every summer. She gave the recipe to my mom but told her to never try to make it, that it would consume her and eventually destroy her. And my mom said “OK, I won’t” and she never did. Anyway, blackberries, life, same.

One thought on “Life Is Like Picking Blackberries

  1. robcg says:

    My wife is always trying to get me to go pick blackberries by the side of the road. She will eventually succeed, I’m sure.

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